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2h Mini-Workshop: Introduction to Analytical UltraCentrifugation - Why, How, Where?

The Protein Interaction Platform Cologne (PIPC) hosts a 2h Mini-Workshop on the usage of Analytical UltraCentrifugation (AUC).

Analytical ultracentrifguation is an interesting method to determine oligomeric status, molecular mass and interaction of your protein of interest. This workshop is directed at students and PI, either interested in the method or even planning to use it in the future. 

The attendance is free of charge. Coffee and cookies are provided. 
There is no need for registration, but a short e-mail to would help to plan coffee needs.

Program 30.09.2019

14:00 General introduction to AUC (History, Theory and Comparison to other methodology)
          Dr Elmar Spies (Beckman Coulter)

14:45 Examples from the lab (5min flash talks)
           Arthur Macha (University of Cologne)
           Elena Theres Abraham (University of Cologne)

15:00 Coffee break / Meet the experts

15:15 Application of AUC in protein research
          Dr. Elmar Spies (Beckman Coulter)

16:00 End

The workshop will be held in R170 at the Institute of Biochemistry, Zülpicher Str. 47, 50674 Cologne.